Partners for Planning - Disability Tax Credit - Oct 29
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The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a special credit for people with a disability and those that support them. On its own, the DTC can help reduce income taxes in order to offset some of the extra costs people living with a disability may incur. But perhaps an even greater benefit are the other programs you may be eligible for once you have been approved for the DTC. Programs like the Registered Disability Saving Plan (RDSP) which can provide you with up to $90,000 of bonds and grants from the Government of Canada or the Child Disability Benefit which is a tax-free monthly payment to families with a child with a disability are available to people that qualify for the DTC. 

Learn more about the Disability Tax Credit and application process.  

The webcast includes a live Q&A with our panelists.  

Cynthia works as Program Manager and Outreach Coordinator at Disability Alliance BC’s Access RDSP Program in partnership with Plan Institute and the BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS). She holds an MA in English Literature from the University of British Columbia with special interest in Asian Diasporic Literature and intergenerational trauma.